In the Shadow of His Wings Read online

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  “Christine your eye is rather swollen. You should put some ice on that. There is a small freezer compartment in the top corner of the mini fridge. I’m sure there’s some ice in there. Wrap some up in a cloth and put it on your face.” Laura was surprised at this small act of tenderness in Hilda but welcomed it just the same. She gladly went and did as she was told. Gerhard arrived home a few minutes later and came down the stairs with supper for the three of them. He had a full meal of roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, peas, carrots, and fresh baked rolls. He came down, cheerfully loaded with trays full of food. Laura hadn’t forgotten the verse God gave her earlier, she clung to it now, but her heart still started pounding when Gerhard came down the stairs. How would he react to news of her escape attempt? She couldn’t help but feel afraid. Jesus hold me close!

  “Goodness sakes Christine, what on earth happened to you!?” Gerhard was shocked at the appearance of Laura’s bruised and swollen face. Laura hesitated not sure how she should answer him. She stood there trembling; no words would come to her.

  She was relieved when Hilda spoke up and answered for her.

  “Oh relax Gerhard, she’s fine. She just tripped and fell over that chain of hers.

  The thing is so light that she forgot it was there and simply tripped and banged into the door frame. Quite clumsy of her really, but she’s ok now. Aren’t you Christine? Now be a dear girl and set three TV trays up for us so we can all eat this wonderful meal that Gerhard brought downstairs for us.”

  Laura didn’t ask questions, she just got up and set up the three TV trays glad that Hilda had chosen to forgive her for her escape attempt and allow her to eat supper that night. She wasn’t sure why Hilda forgave her. It was almost too easy, but she decided not to dwell on it right now.

  “Thank you Jesus” Laura whispered quietly. It wasn’t a major answer to prayer but it was an answer just the same. She would not be going to bed hungry tonight and that was something to be thankful for. She went to her room to wash her hands for supper. She was on her way back to the living room just in time to over hear Hilda saying to Gerhard,

  “The girl cusses a lot.”

  “What do you mean?” asked Gerhard, “I haven’t heard her cuss at all.”

  “She keeps saying ‘Jesus’ over and over. I know we’ve never been much of a religious family but even I know it’s wrong to use the Lord’s name in vain. You go to hell for that. She’s going to have to stop doing that if she’s going to live under my roof, I’ll tell you that right now!” Hilda said, angrily.

  “I’m not using the Lord’s name in vain.” Laura spoke up. “I’m calling on Him for help. When you hear me say His name I’m calling on Him in prayer, not cussing.” Laura smiled as she said this.

  “Humph” muttered Hilda, for once the woman was at a total loss for words.

  Gerhard also seemed to have no idea as how to respond to this. The three proceeded to take their seats and eat their supper with Laura being the only one to bow her head and thank the Lord for the food before hand.

  Chapter 11

  A few days had gone by with no apparent progress, Jim felt like he was going out of his mind with worry. Some of his friends, like Lee and Janice, were trying hard to comfort him. Others seemed to be avoiding him, he wondered if it was because they didn’t know what to say, or if it was because they doubted his innocence. Jim wasted little time thinking about that, all he could think about was Laura and what might be happening to her. Jim was trying hard to hide his anxiety from his children but his mother-in-law could see right through him. She quoted, “Do not be anxious about anything, present your requests to God.”

  Jim knew that scripture well, however when his mother-in-law first quoted it to him he wanted to yell at her to get out of his face. He wanted to yell that he didn’t feel the peace of God transcending. He wanted to run out of the house and scream out Laura’s name. He wanted to yell as loud as he could until he could yell no more. Deep down he knew he really didn’t want to do any of that. He just wanted his Laura back So Jim had just crumpled into a mess of tears and confessed his anger and frustration to God, asked for His help in dealing with all the stress. A measure of peace did come over Jim at that moment and he knew without a doubt that Christ was with him. He was not walking through this alone. He thanked God for his in-laws; it was a blessing having them there to help him and the kids through this as well.

  Jim sat in the living room nursing a cup a coffee, wondering what he could do today. The posters had been up for two days and they hadn’t had any worthwhile calls.

  Just a few that had turned out to be nothing more than someone wanting the reward money. One woman called to turn in her brother and the man didn’t look anything like the picture on the poster. Another called to report that she thought it must be her landlord and he was oriental! There was a call from someone insisting the picture looked just like his wife! The police told him this was normal, that any case like this would have its share of crank calls.

  Jim felt helpless sitting at home, he wanted to do something useful, something constructive, but what? He hadn’t been able to think about work since Laura disappeared. Thankfully, he had a good staff and they were handling everything for him, he didn’t have to worry about that. Lacey had taken the week off of school but with plans for university next year, she would have to return by Monday. Josh returned to his own apartment the same day Laura’s parents arrived. They needed the guest room, he wanted to get back to his own place and his own computer. He planned to make use of the internet and circulate the poster. Jim was grateful for his son’s skills, although the police were concerned that it might just bring in several thousand more crank calls.

  Jim got up and looked out the window. It was late October, the leaves were just beginning to fall from the trees. Laura loved this time of year. He wondered if she was able to see the changing colors of the leaves, if she was able to look out a window or not.

  Is she even alive Lord? Jim’s eyes started to fill with tears at the very thought that his wife might not even be alive. He forced his mind to stop thinking in that direction. He mustn’t give up, not for the kid’s sake as well as his own. Lord I thank You that You are there for me, I know You are. Fill me with Your strength and Father, I thank You for all those others who are praying for us. My own prayers are weak and short so I am thankful that there are friends who are on their knees praying in earnest for Laura as well as myself and the kids. Please bless them Lord and answer their prayers.

  Jim heard the phone ring but didn’t bother to move away from the window. He would let his mother-in-law answer it. At first when the phone rang, he answered it quickly, eagerly anticipating word about Laura. Actually he hoped it would be her voice on the phone, asking him to pick her up from some odd location in the Falls. He would then rush out to get her and the whole nightmare would be over. With one disappointment after another he no longer rushed to answer the phone.

  “Jim,” Sylvia called from the kitchen, “it’s the police, and they want to talk to you.”

  Jim hurried to the phone, his mind racing and the different possible reasons why they might want to talk to him. He was only on the phone for a couple of minutes when he hung up.

  “That was Detective Chisholm. He thinks they may have found the man that matches the picture on the poster. His name is Gerhard Bloone and he owns the Falls Mist Hotel. He is going down there right now to talk to him. He asked me if I want to come along. He wants me to tell him if he is the man that was in our church that Sunday morning or not.” Jim quickly put on his shoes and jacket. His hands were shaking as he tied his shoe laces, oh Lord, please let this be the guy.

  “Do you want someone to go with you?” Sylvia asked.

  “What’s going on?” Lacey entered the room and could tell right away something was up.

  “Your grandmother will fill you in; I’ve got to get going.” He gave Sylvia a quick hug, “and no, I don’t want anyone to come with me. Detective Chisholm said it was be
tter if I came on my own. I’ll call as soon as I know anything. I promise.” Jim hurried to the Falls Mist Hotel trying to obey the speed limit but knowing he wasn’t doing a very good job of it. He met Don in the lobby. Don came across as a very stern and serious man. At first he seemed to doubt every word Jim said. Jim found he instantly disliked the man. If he were a doctor one would say he had a very bad ‘bedside manner’. Don had no hair and Jim noticed that some of his co-workers had nick-named him “Mr. Clean”. He was also rather large and at six foot three was some what intimidating. Jim was however starting to develop a respect for the man. Whether he liked the guy’s technique or not, he was definitely thorough and seemed very intent on finding Laura.

  Don shook Jim’s hand but wasted no time on any other pleasantries. He didn’t even bother to explain where Gerhard Bloone’s office was he just started walking towards it and Jim rushed to keep up with the large man.

  “When you see Mr. Bloone I don’t want you to say anything. Just let me do the talking. I will look at you and you can just give me a nod if this is the man that you and your wife greeted in church that Sunday morning.” Just before they entered the office area Don turned around to face Jim and very sternly said to him, “No heroics, you understand?! No matter what this guy says, no matter what you might think he has done or hasn’t done to your wife, I want you to sit there quietly and let me handle the situation. Whether the guy denies ever having met you or confesses to everything under the sun, I want you to sit still and do nothing. Have I made myself perfectly clear?”

  Jim nodded, he understood that it was important for him to stay in the background and let the detective do his job. He didn’t know how easy it would be for him to just sit there and be quiet.

  Jim had barely noticed the lobby of the hotel as they walked through it; all he could think about was seeing if Gerhard Bloone was the man that had been in church. It was a large hotel, one of the finest in Niagara Falls. The section of the hotel that contained the offices was quite grand as well. The reception area was finely decorated and it was clear that no expense had been spared. Jim barely noticed though, he looked around for a glimpse of the man he had seen in church. Don went straight to the main reception desk and asked to see Mr. Bloone. The receptionist showed the two men into his office. As they walked into the room Jim quickly looked past Don to get a look at Mr.

  Bloone. It was him! Jim wanted to leap over the man’s desk and grab a hold of his throat and demand to know where his wife was! He started to tremble and it was all he could do to hold himself together. Don glanced at Jim and realized right away that a nod was not necessary. He gently pushed Jim into a chair that was set up across from Gerhard’s desk and then took a seat himself.

  Don explained to Gerhard that they were there in regards to the investigation of the disappearance of Laura Reid. He also explained that they had been looking for a man that had been seen talking to Laura in her church a few weeks ago and they suspected he was that man. Don told Gerhard about the posters, that one of his employees had called the police after they had spotted the police drawing. He asked Gerhard if he was at the church with the Reids few Sundays ago. Gerhard admitted right away that he had been to that church and he remembered talking to Laura, but other than saying hello to her and shaking her hand, he didn’t know anything that would have any impact on their investigation. He was confused as to why they would even bother to look for him.

  Jim couldn’t stand it. He just knew something about this guy was all wrong. He was sitting there looking so innocent, like he had no clue as to why the police would be in his office questioning him. Gerhard was sitting at his desk, leaning back in his chair, his hands in front of him with the palms facing each other and all the finger tips touching.

  There was a smile on his face of pure innocence. Although to Jim it looked anything but pure. Something wasn’t right but he couldn’t put his finger on it.

  And then it hit him, “Why did you give us a fake name? You said your name was William.”

  Don glared at Jim with a look that said, ‘I told you to be quiet’ although he had to admit, it was a good question.

  “Ah, I didn’t give you a fake name at all.” Gerhard pulled out his wallet and got out his driver’s license, “You see William is my middle name. Sometimes I use my middle name if I don’t want to be recognized.”

  “Why wouldn’t you want to be recognized?” Don asked as he studied the driver’s license.

  “I’m a wealthy man, detective. People sometimes get greedy around wealthy men so there are times its better if I am not recognized. I don’t have much experience with church; I’m not very religious. I was curious and decided to check it out to see what it was like but I’ve heard many stories about how greedy some churches are. How they just want your money, so I thought it best if I just give my middle name.” Jim stood up, he was getting angry now, this man was clearly lying, “Why were you staring at my wife throughout the entire service?”

  “Oh my, I’m so sorry. I was staring wasn’t I? How rude of me. I do apologize.

  It’s just that your wife reminded me so much of my sister who ran away several years ago. The resemblance is uncanny! It brought back such a flood of memories for me, that it really shook me up. I found it impossible to concentrate on the service itself, that’s why I left before it was over.”

  Don was standing at this point as well, angry that Jim was not doing as he had asked him to do and ready to usher him right out the door.

  “Look I can see that you are not completely convinced and I’m sure that you are quite worried about your wife. I am willing to do whatever it takes to help here. You have my permission to search any of my property. No warrant is necessary, you have my full cooperation. I will inform my staff to cooperate with you in every area of the hotel.

  You are also welcome to come to my home and search that as well. Here is my address.” Gerhard wrote his home address on a slip of paper.

  “My mother lives there and isn’t well, all I ask is that you call first so I can let her know that you are coming. I would be happy to meet you there and personally show you around.”

  “Thank you, that is most cooperative and we will take you up on that. I will make some phone calls and have some officers here in a few minutes to begin a search of the hotel. Please notify your mother, your home will be searched today as well.” Don decided not to waste any time in taking Gerhard up on his offer. He was not yet convinced of the man’s innocence. He had known guilty men in the past that were just as willing and helpful as Gerhard. It was a common ploy to sway the police, however it was also possible that the man was just as nice as he seemed. Either way it wouldn’t hurt to do the search. Jim and the detective left Gerhard’s office so he could make the call to his mother and Don could make the calls he needed to make.

  “I hope you aren’t buying this guy’s whole innocent act.” Jim commented.

  “I told you to be quiet in there.” Don scowled at Jim angrily and moved past him as he reached for his phone. He ignored Jim and made the necessary calls.

  Jim waited for the detective to finish, using the time to look at a directory of the hotel. There were thirty floors and approximately thirty five rooms on each floor. Could Laura be held prisoner in one of those rooms? Jim doubted it, too many people around.

  It would be difficult to imprison someone in a hotel. With all the guests coming and going, not to mention the staff, it didn’t make sense. It would be more likely for the man to take Laura somewhere more isolated, like his home. A wealthy man like Gerhard would own a large house and if his mother was sickly, it’s possible he could hold Laura there and even keep it a secret from his mother. Like the detective Jim wasn’t impressed with Gerhard’s helpfulness. That could all be a slick cover up. He wondered if the detective would allow him to come along to search Gerhard’s house.

  Don finished making his calls and turned to Jim.

  “I suppose it’s too much to ask, to expect you to go home now and wait for
my call when all this is over.” He looked at Jim with his eyebrows lowered, and seemed to be thinking the situation over.

  “I’m going over with some men to search the house. You can come along if you like, but you will have to remain outside. I will not have a repeat of what just happened in that office.”

  “That’s fine; it will give me a chance to look around outside his house. I don’t trust him at all. He’s lying through his teeth.”

  “That may be true but we have to be careful how we handle this.” Detective Chisholm lowered his voice and moved closer to Jim, “Gerhard Bloone is not a stupid man. If he does have your wife, then he’s not going to have her imprisoned in the main bedroom for us to find right off the bat. We have to proceed with caution here and not rush in like a bunch of angry bulls. Doing something like that could actually put your wife’s life in danger, not help her. Provided of course this man actually does have her and at this point there is not one shred of evidence that he does. Your ‘gut’ feeling that he is lying might mean a lot to you, but that’s about it.” At that moment Gerhard came out of his office and informed the two men that he had spoken to his mother and she was feeling quite well today. As a matter of a fact she was about to bake some pies so the officers were welcome to come by and have a look around. Gerhard led the way to his house and Detective Chisholm followed with Jim riding along. Jim wanted to tell Don to be sure to check every room and closet very carefully, however he thought he knew the man well enough by now to feel that he would do exactly that. Jim prayed silently that God would direct all the officers.

  Chapter 12

  As Gerhard drove home he called his mother with his cell phone going over a few details with her. He had her check the door that led from the kitchen down into the basement. It was hidden in the pantry, carefully camouflaged behind some shelves.